May 4, 2022 Program

Hello, Counterpart Members and Past Members!

Most of Counterpart’s Board met on March 23, 2022 to discuss how to go forward. Here’s a summary.

  • We love many things about Counterpart, especially networking, making new friends, helping local women and children, and learning about our world. But we cannot get enough participation to run the club the way it has traditionally operated.
  • The solution we recommend is this: Dissolve the existing organization and restructure into a much less formal entity. No dues, no officers, no treasury. Just a group who gets together for lunch, social time, learning, and doing some good for our community.
  • We propose meeting for a bring-your-own brown-bag lunch once a month (noon, first Wednesday as in the past). We will try to have a speaker or program each time. We may ask people to bring a donation for a speaker, or school supplies, or other items needed by local charities that support women and children.
  • We have reserved Program Room A at the Loutit District Library for noon, Wednesday, May 4th. We will have a short program about the new Kenzie’s BeCafe presented by Erin Lyon, who runs Jumpin’ Java. This brand-new café/coffee shop will be located in the historic Crescent Theater building at Washington and Ferry in Grand Haven. It will provide employment and job training for the disabled.

Ladies, we would love to have your feedback and suggestions! Please let us know your thoughts about this proposal.

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing many of you in May!

– Bobbi Sabine, Counterpart Communications Chair

Counterpart Meetings On Hold

Hello, Counterpart Members!

We continue to sit “on hold” as the coronavirus sweeps through our nation and our community.

We are all adjusting daily and wish everyone well. For the latest report from the Ottawa County Department of Public Health, click or tap here.

Stay home, stay safe.

– Bobbi Sabine, Counterpart Communications Chair

May 6, 2020 Program

Based on your responses (overwhelmingly “skip May”) and discussion with other Board members, we have decided to cancel the May Counterpart meeting. So we will NOT be having the clothing drive for the women’s shelter (Resilience, formerly CWIT); it will be rescheduled for fall.

It is looking like the stay-home order will be extended anyway, since COVID cases here are still on the upswing.

FYI, Annual dues were due as of April 1st. Dues are still only $28 per year. You may mail in your dues if you like, to our P.O. Box 356, Grand Haven 49417. Or wait till we meet again.

I hope you are all doing well, staying home, and staying healthy.

– Bobbi Sabine, Counterpart Communications Chair

April 1, 2020 Program

We are very sorry to announce the cancellation of the April Counterpart meeting. The Spring Lake Country Club has suspended all lunch and dinner groups for now.

We will hope for resumption in May.  In the meantime, stay home and stay well.

March 4, 2020 Program

Renowned photographer and retired judge Ed Post will share some of his stunning nature photography with us, along with entertaining commentary. A program not to be missed!

Lunch begins at noon, followed by a brief business meeting and the program. Reservations are required for the luncheon and are due on Monday, February 24. Guests are welcome. To make or cancel reservations, email Renee Strothman at or call/text her at 260.438.8447. The $14.00 luncheon fee is due at the door and includes meal, beverage, and gratuity. Please note that Counterpart is charged for each lunch ordered, so if you have a reservation, payment is due even if you cannot attend.

The program is open to the public. People who want to only hear the program without having lunch are welcome to arrive at 12:30.

February 5, 2020 Program

Sgt. Kik from the Ottawa County Sheriff Department will present CRAZE: Citizens Response to Active Shooter Events and share expert advice on how to survive such an event, with real-life examples, tips, and strategies.

Lunch begins at noon, followed by a brief business meeting and the program. Reservations are required for the luncheon and are due on Wednesday, January 29. Guests are welcome. To make or cancel reservations, email Renee Strothman at or call/text her at 260.438.8447. The $16.00 luncheon fee is due at the door and includes meal, beverage, and gratuity. Please note that Counterpart is charged for each lunch ordered, so if you have a reservation, payment is due even if you cannot attend.

The program is open to the public. People who want to only hear the program without having lunch are welcome to arrive at 12:30.

January 8, 2020 Program

Maggie McKeithan, new Director at Spring Lake District Library, will join us and discuss  the future of libraries in a digital age and where the Spring Lake District Library is headed. Born and educated in Kansas, McKeithan came to Michigan in April of 2019.

Lunch begins at noon, followed by a brief business meeting and the program. Reservations are required for the luncheon and are due no later than noon on Thursday, January 2. Guests are welcome. To make or cancel reservations, email Renee Strothman at or call/text her at 260.438.8447. The $16.00 luncheon fee is due at the door and includes meal, beverage, and gratuity. Please note that Counterpart is charged for each lunch ordered, so if you have a reservation, payment is due even if you cannot attend.

The program is open to the public. People who want to only hear the program without having lunch are welcome to arrive at 12:30.

December 4, 2019 Program

The Grand Haven High School Chorale, under the direction of Julie Dick, will be launching our holiday season with their joyous Christmas program! Because of their schedule, the program will begin at noon, with lunch to follow, so please plan to arrive accordingly.

Reservations are required for the luncheon and are due no later than noon on Thursday, November 28. Guests are welcome. To make or cancel reservations, email Renee Strothman at or call/text her at 260.438.8447. The $16.00 luncheon fee is due at the door and includes meal, beverage, and gratuity. Please note that Counterpart is charged for each lunch ordered, so if you have a reservation, payment is due even if you cannot attend.

The program is open to the public.

November 6, 2019 Program

Our November meeting at Spring Lake Country Club will feature speaker Cathy Mott, Assistant Director at the Muskegon Museum of Art. Cathy will give us an update of upcoming events and exhibits at our own magnificent regional art museum.

Lunch begins at noon, followed by a brief business meeting and the program. Reservations are required for the luncheon and are due no later than noon on Thursday, October 31. Guests are welcome. To make or cancel reservations, email Renee Strothman at or call/text her at 260.438.8447. The $16.00 luncheon fee is due at the door and includes meal, beverage, and gratuity. Please note that Counterpart is charged for each lunch ordered, so if you have a reservation, payment is due even if you cannot attend.

The program is open to the public. People who want to only hear the program without having lunch are welcome to arrive at 12:30.

October 2, 2019 Program

Erica Phelps, RD, Wellness Specialist and Registered Dietitian for Shape Corp., will share insight on the aging process and provide simple, realistic tips to prevent age-related weight gain and enhance energy. Erica recently joined the Shape Corp team as a Registered Dietitian and Wellness Specialist and can also be found teaching fitness classes at the YMCA, volunteering for Blessings in a Backpack, or serving as board vice-chair for the People Center.

Lunch begins at noon, followed by a brief business meeting and the program. Reservations are required for the luncheon and are due no later than noon on Thursday, September 26. Guests are welcome. To make or cancel reservations, email Renee Strothman at or call/text her at 260.438.8447. The $16.00 luncheon fee is due at the door and includes meal, beverage, and gratuity. Please note that Counterpart is charged for each lunch ordered, so if you have a reservation, payment is due even if you cannot attend.

The program is open to the public. People who want to only hear the program without having lunch are welcome to arrive at 12:30.

Also, remember our clothing drive is this month for the Wardrobe for Work at Resilience. Please check your closets! Donation vans will be available in the parking lot, starting at 11:30 am. We will have another 50/50 drawing to raise some funds for our Adopt-A-Family Christmas family. Bring some $1 bills! In addition, envelopes will magically appear on the tables in case you are motivated to write a check!